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Webinar Series

The 商会推出了一系列重要的网络研讨会,重点关注 随着经济的重新开放,小企业的战略和解决方案. 利用这些免费的网络研讨会现场或点播.

Check our Calendar of Events for upcoming webinars

Sustainability Training 

In this session we 讨论企业对环境的影响以及如何降低能源成本. 我们还将探索提高可持续性的方法,以提高效率和利润. This webinar is for businesses of all sizes who are interested in learning more about how sustainability can benefit their bottom line.

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设计思维是一个强大的工具,可以帮助你解决问题,创造新的机会. In this webinar you will learn how to use design thinking to create innovative solutions to your business challenges.

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ARIBA Training Webinar

在本次会议中,我们将讨论ARIBA平台如何帮助您的企业 与许多公用事业和公共组织合作.

Key topics will include:

  • How to register with ARIBA and view procurement opportunities
  • The benefits of using a single procurement platform
  • Benefits of a collaborative procurement environment

这个网络研讨会是完美的企业想要 扩大他们的影响力,并与公用事业公司和其他公众合作 organizations.

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在这个视频中,我们的小组将讨论网络安全的最新趋势, 市场状况,以及企业如何解决网络安全问题 needs. We will cover the following topics:

  • The state of 网络安全联盟:企业面临的最大威胁是什么 today?
  • How is the 市场处理当今的网络安全问题? What are the different types of solutions available?
  • What are the trends in cybersecurity? 有哪些新技术 businesses need to be aware of?
  • What are 企业所有者和房主正在处理网络安全问题?

Click here to view on demand. 

CPUC Certification Workshop

参加本课程,了解更多成为认证多元化企业的优势 以及为认证企业提供的采购机会.

在本次网络研讨会上,供应商信息中心的副项目经理Ed Salcedo, discuss the following topics:

  • The benefits of becoming a certified diverse business
  • How to apply for certification
  • The procurement 获得认证的企业可获得的机会

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How to do Business with Delta Airlines

Learn more about business opportunities with Delta Air Lines and how your company can prepare to be a supplier for a Fortune 500.

Topics will include:

* Delta Air Lines Supplier & 多元化计划:与《bet5365亚洲》500强全球最受尊敬航空公司合作的商业机会.

* SkyBonus:一流商务旅行计划

达美航空公司认识到小型航空公司的关键作用, minority, 以及女性拥有的企业在美国整体实力中的地位.S. 经济,最终是达美航空的利益相关者. 最大化达美航空客户的回报, shareholders, employees, 以及我们运营所在的bet5365亚洲, 达美航空寻求利用合格小型航空公司的产品和服务, minority, and women-owned businesses

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Conversations with the Chairman & DGS

加入我们与Darrel Sauceda的高层对话, 洛杉矶拉丁裔商会主席, and Demeshia Swanson, OSDS, Business Outreach Program Manager, and learn how to elevate your business.

无论您是DGS的新手还是经验丰富的企业主, this webinar will provide you with the information you need to get started or to take your business to the next level in procurement

Click here to view on demand. 

How to do Business with CVS Health 

学习你需要采取的步骤来获得合同 CVS Health. 包括开发一个能力陈述,推销,和 preparation processes.

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In this interactive webinar, 你会学到写商业计划书所需要知道的一切. We will cover the following topics:

* The importance of a business plan



本工作坊将为您提供管理和优化后台业务的知识和技能, 从而为您的公司带来最大的效率.

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这个工作坊将为你提供知识和 管理和优化后台操作的技能,从而最大限度地提高效率 efficiency for your company.

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DGS Im Certified. Now What?

本课程将为您提供识别所需的技能和知识, pursue, 并通过总务部(DGS)获得合同机会. 深入了解导航DGS系统的最佳策略, 使您能够最大限度地获得合同. 

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DGS Im Certified. Now What?

你最近获得了与加利福尼亚州做生意的认证吗? 现在是时候采取下一步,定位你的业务,寻找和土地投标. In this webinar, 你将学习如何提高你的知名度, conduct market research, understand the contracting process, and more!

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这个网络研讨会是一个学习如何与加利福尼亚州做生意的机会. 了解Cal e- procurement注册, locating bid solicitations, researching contracts, 并了解SB/DVBE的宣传,以扩大您的业务.

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加入洛杉矶拉丁裔商会和南加州大学商业多样性关系办公室 & 关于即将于2023年6月举行的报价请求(RFQ)网络研讨会的经济机会.

学习如何成为一个合格的供应商, 了解响应RFQ的过程, 了解即将到来的合同机会, 并理解南加州大学的项目管理方法.

Ms. 艾莉森·吉普森将介绍RFQ机会,并提供有关南加州大学协议的信息. Don't miss this chance to get involved in local community projects and gain insight into a wider range of opportunities for your business!

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During the webinar, Verizon's Octavia Fisher and Christian Andrade will be discussing a variety of resources available to small businesses, such as online courses, grants, and expert coaching. They will also be showing a live demonstration of the online platform and discussing the Verizon Grant for $10K and how to apply. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to learn more about the resources available to help you and your business succeed

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L.A. County Small Business Webinar

This webinar will provide unique insights and opportunities to small business owners and those interested in fair chance hiring. 与会者将发现并了解小型企业礼宾部, APEX合同加速计划, 与企业信息有关的企业证书,以补充其对政府合同的追求.

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New California Employment Laws 2023

你是否遵守新的2023年员工法? Please join us for a high-level overview of the major laws that have been finalized for 2023 and see how they may impact your company.


  • AB1949 Bereavement Leave
  • AB 2188 Cannabis Use
  • SB 1162 Pay Transparency
  • Mandatory Retirement Plans

演讲者:玛丽莲·马雷罗,人力bet5365顾问 & Minerva Hernandez, HR Consultant

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DGS, LA县和加州公用事业认证(CPUC)的揭秘认证


本节将比较美国总务部(DGS), Los Angeles County, 和加州公用事业,这样你就可以为你的公司做出最好的决定.

主讲人:Jack Ochoa, Infinity GPC创始人.

Click here to view the session.


The Employability Business grant offers small and medium sized businesses in California the opportunity to receive grants from $20,000- $200,为发展业务和为残疾人士创造就业机会

Speaker: Megan Davis, Demand Side Employment Grant Manager, Department of Rehabilitation, Los Angeles County.

Click here to view this session.


Los Angeles Latino Chamber of Commerce and 洛杉矶县劳动力发展 Board have partnered to provide a series of quarterly webinars that will inform LALCC members about existing resources to grow their business.

Speakers: Maritza Dubie-Uribe, MA, Executive Director, and Greta Setian, Senior Deputy, 洛杉矶县劳动力发展. 

Click here to view this session.

Use YouTube to Grow Your Business

Join us for the last webinar of 2022. 谷歌数字教练罗伯托·马丁内斯主持了使用YouTube来发展你的业务. 这是一个互动的网络研讨会,您将学习如何浏览YouTube以获得最大的曝光率.  


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New Construction Session 3 of 3

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New Construction Session 2 of 3

Single Family and ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit)

第二部分:新建单户住宅和ADU.  本次网络研讨会面向建筑领域的个人, design, architecture, 建造新的单户住宅和ADU. 主题涵盖了SCE目前在CPUC下提供的巨大激励, length in getting new services .

Subject matter experts include: Melinda Dinin at TRC Companies and shared the BUILD and CESH programs and Jose Gomez, Planner at SCE shared how designers and architects really need to go through the planning process prior to building. 通过这样做,房主可以在重新设计或重建上节省数千美元.  And lastly Ruby Rose, 新建筑高级顾问分享了电力是房屋所有权的未来.

对于那些希望观看本次网络研讨会上分享的演示文稿的人,可以使用一个平台. Send an email to with your request.

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New Construction Session 1 of 3

Multi-Family All Electric

这个互动环节让您与新建筑多家庭全电气互动. 本次会议由Ruby Rose Yepez主持, 南加州爱迪生公司新建筑高级顾问和L.A. Latino Chamber. 因为电力是未来住宅建设的潮流, 多户住宅有很多优惠和回扣. 包括电动汽车充电器安装后的回扣. This includes level 2 chargers.

我们的主题专家包括南加州爱迪生公司的规划师何塞·塔皮亚, Melinda Dinin, TRC公司的市场经理 蒂娜·亨德里克斯,外联专家 Willdan. 会议由Ruby Rose Yepez主持,南加州爱迪生公司新结构高级顾问.

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Bid Proposal Preparation

这个互动环节对于那些寻求获得合同的人来说是理想的.  投标建议以不同的格式提交, 从传统的文档提交到在线门户.

向四位行业专家学习最好的 practices for submitting proposals.  Including: 如何确定成本,如何制定设计/建造合同/计划; SCE如何使用其ARIBA门户网站提交您的提案. 这是一个面向买家和供应商的云平台学习如何准确地投标一个项目,包括工作范围和当前的定价.

演讲者加起来有超过40年的经验.  听取董事长Darrel Sauceda(也是联合建设集团服务公司的首席运营官)的讲话, Jose Chavira, SCE供应商多元化项目经理, and Board Members Rudy Gutierrez, 壳牌屋顶解决方案总裁和伊丽莎白·马丁内斯, Meruelo Enterprises业务发展副总裁, Inc, 因为他们分享了赢得合同的专业知识. 

Click here to view the webinar on demand.

Cyber Security - The Threat Is Real

我们每天都要面对工作环境中的挑战,网络安全应该是我们的首要任务. 我们有三位主题专家就这个话题发表讲话,如果不认真对待的话, can harm your business.   The threat is real! 

向专家学习如何保护您的身份以及您的业务. Julius Argumedo, C1P Solutions总裁,Peter Brooks,创始人 & CEO at GuardDog, and Paul Holes, Guard Dog的安全顾问分享了如何避免网络安全陷阱的技巧.

Click here to view this session on demand.

Leading Through Changing Times - SCE Business Education S.T.A.R Workshop

我们从南加州爱迪生公司开始一个三部分的系列节目.T.A.R. (策略,实现目标,结果). This webinar "Leading Through Changing Times" with instructor Marianne Ellis, CEO & Co-Founder at VEO Group.   

Ms. Ellis曾为高级客户争取客户,并协助寻求公司合同. She shared secrets, laser focus on customers, never stopped testing, 并且知道这个想法什么时候可以投入市场. 这个互动环节可以让您了解您的业务, be confident in any situation, and work to grow your business. 了解你的客户是很重要的,这样你的业务才能与新的发展方向保持一致, makes adjustments, and is able to compete.

Click here to listen to the session.


2022年《bet5365亚洲》对单户住宅的占用率进行了重大调整, from how these occupancies are to be classified and organized within the code to the introduction of new Mandatory and Prescriptive measures facilitating preparation for future multifamily all-electric buildings. 

加入我们和Nick Brown, Build Smart Group的所有者 “密码破解者:单户全电气”. This interactive technical training session is where we review not only the all-electric preparation requirements of the Energy Code but also PV exemptions. 我们还将探讨在能源规范中对暖通空调系统的要求,为未来的全电动建筑做准备, solar panels,  and battery storage. 这个技术培训系列是由我们在南加州爱迪生公司的合作伙伴赞助的.

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Employee Retention Credit (ERC)

During Covid-19, 政府推出了几个项目来帮助急需bet5365的企业. 我们知道,所有企业,无论大小,都以这样或那样的方式受到疫情的影响. Businesses were forced to scale down due to loss of workforce; many had to shut down temporarily or completely; businesses learn to pivot on demand; and millions looked for resources to help stay afloat, 包括PPP和其他小额贷款和赠款.

Steve Barnett shares what is the Employee Retention Credit or ERC program and how it can work for you and your business. It’s a program created under the CARES Act as part of the federal government relief program to encourage and reward business owners that retain employees during the covid-19 pandemic.

 如果符合条件,您可以获得高达26K美元的W2. Find out how.

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Delta Airline Programs

洛杉矶拉丁裔商会继续与达美航空公司合作.  我们的企业顾问委员会成员Maira Braga分享了津贴和奖金,  更重要的是,企业如何在未来的旅行中获得回报. 主题还包括,天空里程,天空奖励,达美天空里程信用卡,团体 & Events Special Rates, and Sponsorship & Charity programs. 

Click here to view on demand.

Could You Be Next? Cybersecurity To Protect Your Business

The Los Angeles Latino Chamber of Commerce hosted a webinar on Wednesday, April 6 at 3pm, aN讨论网络安全的交互式虚拟会话.  The webinar topic "Could You Be Next? 网络安全保护您的业务 will be lead by three industry experts.

Cyber-attacks continue to dominate tech headlines because of the daily impact it has on everyone from internet users to small and large businesses. The numbers will continue to grow as the world becomes more digitally connected and bad actors become more sophisticated in their efforts.

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Faces of Resilience (Continued)

听听我们的朋友Linda Caballeo Sotello的励志故事, Brissa Sotelo-Vargas, Loriann Serna, Nancy De Los Santos, 伊丽莎白·马丁内斯和我们的主持人西尔维娅·卡斯蒂略将分享她们的转变, life's lessons, 胜利的时刻成就了今天的他们. 

California Laws & Updates for 2020

With each new year, comes new laws.  我们在BBSI的合作伙伴将更新您的最新变化,这将影响您的业务和员工.  


管理一个企业需要的不仅仅是提供产品或服务. 企业主要领导员工,要支付账单,要制定发展计划.

That’s why BBSI 为客户提供一个专业的团队,他们称之为业务部门. 这些业务单元团队由经验丰富的顾问和专家组成 in the areas of HR, Risk & 安全,工资,人才获取和商业战略.

更新包括:AB 1033 CFRA休假扩大到员工照顾父母in-法律,SB 331对雇员保密/不贬低条款的新限制,最低工资 InCOVID - 19要求- COVID - 19病假工资等.

Faces of Resilience

欢迎来到洛杉矶拉丁裔商会的新签名系列 Faces of Resilience. We are excited to be present phenomenal and successful women who will share pieces of their life and how they have become strong and resilient. 


我们每个人都有自己独特的故事,当我们听到我们的每一位客人, 我们会意识到,我们的故事在很多方面与他们的故事和旅程产生共鸣.  


Like every woman we know, we have a smile, 但你不知道这背后是什么也不知道我们的意义.  我们的下一个弹性网络研讨会将于2022年春季举办. Stay tuned. 



由于加州法律每年都在变化,你需要确保自己学会如何不被起诉?  加入两位顶级律师瓦莱丽·冈萨雷斯先生. and Gina Zapanta, Esq. 因为他们分享的见解,以保护您的业务.  这个信息网络研讨会重点介绍了将摧毁你的业务的5个诉讼.

Google & U.S. Bank

An interactive session with Google & U.S. Bank, Part 2 Investors & Loan Options. 主持人:大卫·莫拉是美国商业银行的高级副总裁.S. Bank for the Emerging Business Group in Los Angeles County shared the Los Angeles Latino Business Loan program and how it works for our members. b谷歌的罗伯托·马丁内斯分享了投资者之间的区别, microloans, 众筹和其他资金来源,以及它们如何影响你的业务. Click to view the video.


寻找承包机会可能会让人望而生畏,也不知道哪种方法适合每种方法.  这节课总结了你如何在DGS中导航并成功获得合同.

Part 3: We Covered:

- The Various Acquisition Methods


- Existing State Contracts

- Contracts Exempt from Advertising

- Do's & Don'ts of Bidding

- Commercially Useful Function (CUF)

I'm Certified. Now What?

一旦您确定并申请了适合您业务的认证, 是时候利用它创造的机会了. 

In this webinar, I'm Certified. Now What? 提供有关如何改善您的Cal eprocurement档案的有用提示, conduct market research, find bid opportunities, and more. 作为世界第五大经济体, 加州购买开展商业活动和维护州政府建筑所需的一切, equipment, 基础设施和中间的一切. 不要错过8月17日上午10点的第三部分“与加利福尼亚州签订合同”. You can register at  该系列网络研讨会对所有企业开放.


The state of California allocates BILLIONS of dollars to certified small businesses and disabled veteran business enterprises.  We appreciate our partnership with the Department of General Services who is here to guide you through this process of being certified and to be successful and getting contracts.  This is a 3-part webinar. 下面的链接将带你到第一部分。”如何与加州做生意". 请继续关注8月10日的第二场网络研讨会和8月17日的最后一场网络研讨会.  您仍然可以在以下网址注册剩余系列  There are useful tips that you can apply to become certified or get contracts with Los Angeles County and or the state of California.  


The state of California allocates BILLIONS of dollars to certified small businesses and disabled veteran business enterprises.  We appreciate our partnership with the Department of General Services who is here to guide you through this process of being certified and to be successful and getting contracts.  This is a 3-part webinar. 下面的链接将带你到第一部分。”如何与加州做生意". 请继续关注8月10日的第二场网络研讨会和8月17日的最后一场网络研讨会.  您仍然可以在以下网址注册剩余系列  There are useful tips that you can apply to become certified or get contracts with Los Angeles County and or the state of California.  

PPP Forgiveness & 第二轮PPP和小企业bet5365 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, 许多陷入困境的企业得到了工资保障计划(PPP)提供的贷款的帮助。.  With deadlines coming soon, 我们与加州西班牙裔商会合作,指导你完成原谅的过程. Please join us for this informative session and take away golden nuggets and tips on completing the forms and understanding the new criteria.  


超过30%的小企业更有可能永远关门大吉. 请加入我们的下一个网络研讨会,我们将召集一群女性 entrepreneurs and business owners to talk about tips and strategies they are using in their businesses to reopen and stay open. Important tips for all businesses.


Tactics for Understanding Procurement

In conversation with Darrel Sauceda for a discussion on ways to grow your business through product or service sourcing. To access the presentation slides, click here. For the procurement matrix, click here. 点击下面的图片访问网络研讨会记录.


Learn tips and resources from healthcare professionals and safety experts on measures you need to put in place to keep your workplace safe and hygienic for employees and customers. To access presentation slides, click here.



当前关于重开的法律问题,由 AlvaradoSmith 商业和就业律师劳尔. Salinas.

To access the presentation slides, click here.



什么是网络安全,为什么它对你的小企业很重要. 向专家学习如何减轻远程团队的负担. 与Consilien的Krista Arthur和C1P Solutions的Julius Argumedo合作.


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